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Keeping Your Brain and Body Strong During the COVID-19 Crisis: Brain Exercises and Fall Prevention

Dr. Madhav Gramke


Keeping Your Brain and Body Strong During the COVID-19 Crisis: Brain Exercises and Fall Prevention

When: Saturday 3/6/21
1:00 p.m to 1:45 p.m CST
Location: Online

In this 45 minute workshop, you will learn helpful tools to stay healthy as we age, which are more important now, during these times of lockdown, than ever before.

We will go through some exercises together that will help your brain and body stay healthy and sharp. This is tied with the topics of mobility and fall prevention. “Exercise” in this sense doesn’t mean a workout, it means a gentle and easy movement pattern that will help your body to be safe and strong. These exercises are for all ages, yet extremely beneficial for us as we become elderly as the risk of falling and other accidents is generally higher. Prevention through practice is key. The idea is to build strong neural connections with certain foundational movement patterns, so that our bodies become comfortable with supporting themselves throughout daily life. The significance and reasons for these movements will be explained so that you walk away with not only some great tools, but an understanding of why and how to use them.

You will feel great! This is an excellent way to take care of your body!